This web programming courses is intended to be the one stop solution for web development training. We bring together the bunch of most popular web technologies and present them in a way which ensures quick and through learning. This will provide a perfect platform for any developer to start their web development journey. We have taken extra care in making the content relevant and interesting.
Each section will have theory and practical sessions and you will build a project after each unit. It will ensure that you assimilate all the knowledge and can straight way use in your own work. Our content staff has focused on creating practical real world examples which will help you have a proper conceptual learning experience.
We cover technologies described below
HTML and CSS – You will get a through training in HTML5 and CSS3
JavaScript and JQuery – Learn the powerful script of the web and use to build better web apps
XML, JSON and Ajax – Master these technologies and create secure and efficient web services
PHP and MySQL- Learn the most famous server scripting technology with immensely popular MySQL RDBMS. Build complex systems and web sites using these.
Yii – The most popular PHP framework. Build Web 2.0 sites with ease with this technology
Learn all of it and much much more in this complete web programming course. It will be fun and exciting..Enjoy
Our course is one of the best online resources available to Become A Certified Web Developer. If you are a beginner or a well established industry professional our multipart online video lessons will introduce you to all the core concepts of Website Development covering both server and client side programming in an easy and interactive way.
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