Build Websites Without Coding | 100% No-Code


  • No programming experience needed.
  • Come with ideas and discover endless possibilities


No-Code tools are evolving every day and finding the right tool may be challenging for an absolute beginner.

This is an extremely beginner friendly course with 5 videos, where you will learn the following:

  1. What is no-code, why is it relevant for you?
  2. How to build a portfolio website?
  3. How to build a multi-page website?
  4. How to build an e-commerce website?
  5. How to build a web application using Airtable as backend?
  6. 5 Extra tools to consider building websites without coding

Who is this for?

These series of videos are going to super helpful if you have ideas of building a website or want to create your own portfolio online or create a boutique store for your products or a simple internal web application for your company all without having to depend on a developer or a coder. I promise that you’ll be able to build any of the above without learning to code, AT ALL!

How is it possible to build anything without coding?

No-code tools are the software solutions that enable you to build applications without writing any code. No-code platforms enables business users aka citizen developers to use the drag-and-drop and pick-and-select functionality to build applications. This puts the ‘power’ for application development squarely back in the hands of non-coders.

Who this course is for:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Graphic Designers
  • Product Managers
  • Programmers
  • Developers
  • Coders

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