- All software discussed in lectures can be downloaded free on charge.
- Command line tutorial assumes working on a computer with a Unix/Linux or related operating system (e.g. Mac OS X, Ubuntu, etc).
- Git and GitHub Account (may be downloaded/installed/setup during course lectures).
- Developer Tools lectures assume the use of Google’s Chrome web browser.
- Sublime Text 3 (may be downloaded/installed/setup during course lectures).
So you’ve decided to make the jump into web development! Great decision! But where do you start?
In this course we’re going to be looking at how to get you started as a developer. We’ll get you set up with your environment. We’ll explore Sublime Text 3 as an editing tool, and we’ll also take a look at command line, which is a tool we’ll be using a lot as developers. Finally, we’ll also take a look at Git which is version control for our projects – essentially a way to make sure changes are being logged and we have good backup systems for our actual work.
Course Includes:
- 15 videos with over an hour of lectures and explanations.
- 10 external resource files.
- 1 practice exercise to help you master Git workflows.
What You’ll Learn:
Command Line – the primary way you’ll interact with your project files and development environment.
- Common Commands
Source Code Control – Git is a popular version / source control and code management system that will allow you to keep track of changes to the code you write.
- Introduction to Source Control (Git).
- Learn what Github is and how to use it.
- Creating your first repository.
- Pushing your files to Github.
- Cloning a repository.
- Updating files.
- Organizing your files.
- Additional Git resources.
Chrome Developer Tools – web authoring and debugging tools built into Google’s Chrome web browser.
Sublime Text – the application you’ll use to write code.
Who this course is for:
- People who want to learn about web development.
- New developers or those just getting their feet wet.
- People who are interested in source code control with Git and GitHub and command line.
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