- No coding skills needed just a will to learn new skill
- Real Statistics Add-In which we will show in this course
Hi and welcome to the Machine Learning with Excel course,
Machine Learning is shaping our everyday lives and it one of the most important features of innovations
in technology. The purpose of this course is to equip you with the newest methods that are applied in
Machine Learning by Using Microsoft Excel. It will introduce you to a different way of thinking about
data science and machine learning. This is a good way to start a career in Machine Learning since you
will understand some initial concepts and gain some hands-on experience on it. I am extremely happy
share with you everything that I know about Machine Learning with Excel. I promise you it is going to be
worth it and you will gain a valuable set of knowledge and skills by attending this course.
This is the only course in Udemy where Machine Learning is applied in Microsoft Excel. The reason why
we chose to go with Excel is because we know that many of you are already familiar with it. We will start
from ground zero and together we will continuously develop new skills from the beginning to the end of
this course. In this course together we will implement a complete data science project from start to
finish using Credit Risk Data. For this course we have data for around 40,000 consumers and a lot of
characteristics about them such as: their level of education, their age, their marital status, where they
live, if they own a home, and other useful details. We will get our hands dirty with these data and
explore them in depth and you can practice all this on your own too. Moreover, you will gain access to
valuable resources such as lectures, homework, quizzes, slides as well as some literature review in
regard to the modelling approaches. Let’s go ahead now and see how the course structure looks like!
Who this course is for:
- Everyone that wants to learn new skills
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