The Python Interview Questions practice tests are prepared to help you revise your Python Concepts. When we prepare for an interview, we are usually just looking at Questions and Answers without knowing whether we know the concepts or not. These questions will help you practice your real knowledge and see if your concepts are clear. If not, you can always revise using google or (better) by trying out these questions in a Python programming interface.
These Python Interview Questions are prepared to cover all your basic Python Concepts – data types, memory management, oops concepts, control flow etc. Chances are that you have been using them in your daily life but are not sure what are the differences between them or which object is best used when. Our interview preparation questions try to clear your concepts by giving you multiple options and explaining why you chose was wrong.
The first 5 practice tests are multiple-choice questions and are quick to answer and you will cover multiple concepts in a fun and easy way. the last practice test focuses on Python programming exercises – as it is a programming language, its preparation cannot be done without doing some hands-on.
What this course contains:
73 Multiple choice and Programming Practice Test questions
Who should take this course:
Recommended for: New or experienced Python developers preparing for an interview
What Python Topics are covered:
- Data Types – Mutable and Immutable
- Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, Strings
- Control Flow – MRO
- OOPS concepts – polymorphism, Call by value and reference, Class and Static variables
- Python Memory management, Garbage Collection
20 Python programming questions: - Sorting
- Find second-largest in a list
- Binary search
- Armstrong number
- Checking string is numeric or alpha
- Palindrome
- Odd and even numbers
- Regular expressions etc
Please note that we CANNOT guarantee that we can cover all the Python concepts. If you come across a term which you are not aware of, we highly recommend that you study more about that term and if possible, practice it so as to be clear about the concept.
Who this course is for:
- Beginner Python Programmers
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